The Perfect Wave

The Perfect Wave

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Getting ready to age....

So my next birthday is just around the Saturday to be exact. I don't know how I feel about it really. I guess I really don't mind getting older. It comes with the territory right?

So I decided to go back to school and get my certification for an EMT. I guess my degree has landed me in a big box so that avenue didn't work so let's move on to the next. I have always dreamed of being an EMT from childhood so we will see how it goes. I may even like it enough to go Paramedic? Who knows.

Well I don't have much to say today aside from have a safe and happy Thanksgiving I sure know I will be thinking of Turkey and Stuffing as I am working away....

Monday, November 1, 2010

Holidays are coming!!

AHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It seems that the masses have decided to start shopping at my big box store and are coming in droves. I hear people all day bitching, "Today is the day after Halloween and they have Christmas stuff out already!" Yes that is right, we do and don't bitch when you wait until December 24th and we have nothing you want because you didn't buy it sooner. Haha!

So another avenue in my life has reared its ugly head. I feel as if I need to join a convent. I really really need to make my husband understand that once every two months just doesn't cut it for me. I know I have a higher drive than he does but for crying out loud! I don't want to have to double click the mouse. After all I got in a relationship so I did not have to do it myself but wow it may just have to happen. I know he feels pressure from me as I so desire to have a child, but he still doesn't understand you have to do the deed to reap the rewards. I am not Mary and I sure as heck know God will not choose me for a second immaculate conception.

I know that I seem to bitch a lot on this blog about various things and yeah I do it so anonymously. I do know after all you do need an outlet for your secrets and your pent up emotions. I apologize if this bores you or gets redundant but then again you don't have to read it either! :)

I hope everyone had a safe and Happy Halloween.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Why is it that no matter how hard you try to remain anonymous or in the shadows to avoid drama people seem to have a huge plunger to suck you in. I wish people of my past would just stay there. Since my last post I have run into four more people from my past who I have ZERO desire to reintigrate into my life. They all do the same strut walk like I must be graced with their presence. I tell you if I had not been at work I may have just reached my peak and squared off with them right then and there!

I digress.

So we have started up our own little business and just obtained some fresh new customers. The future is looking very bright. I pray that this will make enough money to support us so we do not have to work for our respective places of employment and we can be self sufficient. That would be soooo nice.

Well now that I have vented I will go my way and wish everyone the best.

Thursday, September 30, 2010


Whew! I finally got Internet again at my house. I know I know how modern of me right? Ha ha. I guess I could just not justify spending the money on Internet when I could barely pay my rent. I swear, and I am sure you feel the same, it feels like I can never get ahead! I do not by any means need to be rich beyond my imagination but having enough money to be comfortable and not continuously stressed would be nice. I would be happy with a few hundred grand at best. Hell I would even settle for a few thousand or even hundred right now.

So not much drama unfolding in my life right now. I have pretty much purged the people from my life who were drama queens and kings. Sometimes they can't leave well enough alone and poke a stick at me from time to time. I guess they can not get over the fact that I am over them. Oh well their problem not mine. I mean if someone tells you that you have been the cause of more heartache than happiness in their life wouldn't you just go to a corner with your tail tucked between your legs and leave them alone? Obviously you are not doing the person any good so just move on, grow up and get a pair already. Petty emails or monkey doo doo slinging is just juvenile and silly. I wish people would have to censor themselves for at least 1 hour before writing an email, letter, text, phone call etc. I bet half of the hurtful things we do the each other would be cut in half. Maybe more, who knows? Hm mm it seems maybe I am still holding on to a bit of it myself?

Okay everyone let us get rid of all the issues we now hold. Life is really too short to hold grudges. Repeat after me..."I (state your name), do solemnly swear to stop being such a douche bag to people around me and promise to mind what I say to others and diligently stop myself from lashing out in any aggressive manner. Amen."

Monday, August 16, 2010


Man does the time fly by!! I haven't realized I have been without internet in my house for almost a year now. Sorry it takes a while to remember to go to the library and post new stuff to my blog. Anyway here is the newest installment.

So I now work for a big box company after my last company shit on me...but it is a job and is paying my bills as I have already expressed my distaste for welfare and the type it generates. I digress, so this big box company is good and I like my job overall however there are WAY too many Chiefs and not enough Indians. I am always wondering which boss is who and who has seniority and who I should listen to etc. Damnit can't it be simpler than just having a direct supervisor who then has their own? No that would be too easy for us lowly totem pole stabilizers. I try to get my work done and I have one supervisor telling me to stop and do something else then I get reprimanded for not being where I am supposed to be and doing something else by another supervisor to only go to another place, and not where I am assigned to begin with, only to have more supervisors ask why I am doing so and so and not in my area. For all the love of everything holy just let me do my job and quit worrying about who is where and doing what unless it is hurting the company!!!

Whew my soap box just got a bit taller for a moment there. I didn't realize it bugged me as much as it did. I should make it a point to vent more often.

So on a more personal note I recently lost my uncle to cancer. It sucks royally and of course I am sad. I somewhat regret we were not close in the recent year and had a bit of a falling out but I sucked it up and went to his funeral at the contrary to my gut instinct. My family and I are at a bit of an impass and I was just sure this would be another brick in the wall so to speak. I was pleasantly surprised when his widow and daughter hugged me and thanked me for coming. I guess it was the right decision in the end as I would never have that chance to say goodbye properly again.

I guess I will try to be more open to new ideas and uncomfortable situations in the future. I know that as long as I survive any encounter it will only make my character and my well being stronger.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

So post numero two

Well I wish I could say there were new developments in my life to report but thus far nada! I did have a wonderful anniversary trip with my husband to Las Vegas where we came home absolutely broke and with new tattoos. We each got a celtic cross on our right arm to signify our third anniversary. I admit I was kinda nervous at first as it was my first tattoo but was soon over it.

We stayed at the Sahara on the back end of the strip closer to old downtown. I will never again stay there. It was not a nice hotel. We originally decided to stay there as my husband has a great love for the rat pack and that was their stomping ground. Little did I know it looked like an old stomping ground. The bathroom was dirty with long stringy hairs all over the bathroom floor and tub, ew. The room smelled of decades of stale cigarette smoke and beer. The room was pretty decent in size for the price but I felt like I was standing in a sess pool every time I showered as it didn't drain well and I was in a foot of water by the time I exited, somehow feeling dirtier than when I started.

All in all it was fun. I got to hook up with an old high school buddy and hang out with my step-father and his new girlfriend. We saw the sights, went to the Hoover Dam, and spent money. Those damn angels toes better bring me some luck soon!!

So here I am still unemployed and looking for work. Apparently I am too overqualified to work at a department store, or at least that is what they tell me. Does it really matter that I have a bachelor's degree if I want to work at a store? I mean seriously just give me a job! How the hell can we pull out of this crummy economy if the older generations lose out to young high school punks who treat jobs as revolving doors? Seriously people you spend more in training these degenerates than you would my salary!! I think I am a bit disgruntled but still pretty much okay.

So more about me, apparently I can not stand my younger siblings generation. They are the rudest crudest children alive. And don't you all sit there nodding your head in agreement with me as I bet 30% or more of you are their parents that let them get away with it!! I tell you if my child did and said half of the things these teens are doing they would never see the light of day again. What is the deal with letting your kids talk to adults with such disrespect? If I ask a kid a question I expect a decent answer like no thank you or yes please instead I get yeah or nope with an eye roll. If I talked to people like that I would still be picking my teeth up from the ground from the good smack I just got from my parents. Seriously it is not okay people. I know you don't want to turn out like your parents but dang man at least teach your kids respect and make sure they show it to others.

Okay now that I am off my soapbox I will end this post. I will try to make my posts closer together but can't make any promises. Oh and so you all know I really am not the kind of person that pulls any punches. I speak my mind and say what needs to be said so if you are the faint of heart or just someone who can not handle the truth when shown to you you may want to find a nice blog about puppies or ponies to read.

Thanks for your time and have a nice day!!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

First blog about me...

So I am new to blogging. I have never really been good at keeping a journal or diary so we will see how this goes. I will start off with an introduction of sorts. A bit about me should be easy enough to write about right?

I am the one you just passed on the street, no not the one that turned your head and smiled, the one that you wouldn't have noticed unless I bumped you or talked to you. I am horribly average in most everything about me, aside from my weight, I am a bigger girl. I dress very casually mostly in jeans and a t-shirt with my boots. I play dress up sometimes solely for the benefit of my husband but that is about it. Yes, I am a tomboy in almost all aspects of my life. I have strawberry blonde hair that is currently dyed black. Definitely not a change I really favor and would never do again. I don't wear makeup unless, again, for my husband's benefit.

I live in a rural small town that I donned "Podunk, Oregon" Seriously I think if you rounded up the majority of the residents here you might get a full set of teeth but I wouldn't count on it. This town seriously rolls up the sidewalks in late evening aside from the bars and of course Wal-Mart. I am not a big drinker any longer, my college days are over, and I loathe having to claw my way through the swarm of welfare moms so I don't frequent either place respectively.

I am an avid reader and writer but have yet to gain enough courage to submit any of my work to a publisher. Who knows I may just be the next Stephen King or Nora Roberts. I have had positive reviews from those who have read my stories so I at least know that they are not entirely self-absorbed masterpieces.
I read classics mostly but do enjoy a fantasy now and again. Charles Dickens is my favorite all-time author but I also favor James Patterson and Jonathan Kellerman.

Animals are a precious gift that God has given us and I would love to come face to face with those who differ or abuse these wonderful creatures. I currently own six animals and would not trade them for any amount of money or fame. I truly believe that anyone who can hurt an animal must have to be evil.

I am a self-proclaimed Christian but do not follow any particular denomination as they are all corrupt with self worth and bureaucracy. I follow Christ and his teachings and that is it. I believe Jesus was here, was murdered and sacrificed his life for my everlasting gain, and rose again three days later when he ascended to heaven waiting for his fateful return. I pretty much follow the truth to the words written in red, not some interpretation some preacher/priest comes up with.

I love my husband with all of my heart and truly believe that he is my soul mate. I know, I know how cliche, but it is true. We have been together for four years, married for three and have only gone to bed mad at eachother once. This time was MY fault. I refused to admit I was being a brat and apologize. He is always there for me when I need him. He is of course the typical husband who leaves dirty socks on the floor and doesn't rinse his dishes but he does put the toilet seat down! I guess I can't complain too much. We are getting ready to go to Vegas this Monday for our anniversary.

I listen to all kinds of music but find country and soul music to be my favorites. There is just something about music that soothes my soul. Songs about real life and love is what I want to hear about. I absolutely detest gangster rap however. Something about it makes my skin crawl. Seriously I don't want to hear about your bitches and hoes and how you put caps in asses. Grow up and be a man already. You are contributing to the problem.

I guess I have given enough information about me and my life for now. I will write more upon my return from Vegas to share the excitement. I hope you will stick with me and can find some enjoyment from my posts.