The Perfect Wave

The Perfect Wave

Thursday, September 30, 2010


Whew! I finally got Internet again at my house. I know I know how modern of me right? Ha ha. I guess I could just not justify spending the money on Internet when I could barely pay my rent. I swear, and I am sure you feel the same, it feels like I can never get ahead! I do not by any means need to be rich beyond my imagination but having enough money to be comfortable and not continuously stressed would be nice. I would be happy with a few hundred grand at best. Hell I would even settle for a few thousand or even hundred right now.

So not much drama unfolding in my life right now. I have pretty much purged the people from my life who were drama queens and kings. Sometimes they can't leave well enough alone and poke a stick at me from time to time. I guess they can not get over the fact that I am over them. Oh well their problem not mine. I mean if someone tells you that you have been the cause of more heartache than happiness in their life wouldn't you just go to a corner with your tail tucked between your legs and leave them alone? Obviously you are not doing the person any good so just move on, grow up and get a pair already. Petty emails or monkey doo doo slinging is just juvenile and silly. I wish people would have to censor themselves for at least 1 hour before writing an email, letter, text, phone call etc. I bet half of the hurtful things we do the each other would be cut in half. Maybe more, who knows? Hm mm it seems maybe I am still holding on to a bit of it myself?

Okay everyone let us get rid of all the issues we now hold. Life is really too short to hold grudges. Repeat after me..."I (state your name), do solemnly swear to stop being such a douche bag to people around me and promise to mind what I say to others and diligently stop myself from lashing out in any aggressive manner. Amen."